
The PROFILE page is where users can view the connected wallet's assets (NFTs and ERC 20s), ETH balance, swap history (open, closed, dropped and expired) and ETH balance on the DEX. The PROFILE page also serves as an avenue for finding open swaps involving the connected wallet's assets and/or creating a swap with the connected wallet's asset.

The 'Assets' tab is where users can view all assets contained in the connected wallet. The 'Asset Type' menu allows users to select which asset type - NFT or ERC 20 - to view. The 'Collection' text entry field can be used as it is on the BROWSE SWAPS and NFT SEARCH pages to search for NFTs contained in the connected wallet by contract address or collection title for NFTs and collections contained in the curated list.

Clicking on a NFT via the PROFILE page leads users to the NFT DETAILS screen where users can see all open offers on the NFT, the NFT’s swap history, and choose to list the NFT for sale.

The 'Swaps' tab allows users to view all open swaps and closed/dropped/expired swaps using the toggles to the right side of the search bar which functions similarly to the search bar elsewhere in the application.

ETH (MATIC) Balance on DEX Because native currencies (ETH) don't have transfer functions NFT Protocol can use to automatically transfer them when swaps are executed, ETH received in swaps remains in the protocol’s smart contract and is reflected on the PROFILE page under ‘ETH Balance on DEX’. ETH balances can be withdrawn to the connected wallet at any time and the gas required to do so is comparable to any other ETH transfer.

ETH balances on the DEX can also be used to take swaps on the DEX or make new swaps on the DEX. This accounting is done automatically such that DEX balances are used first and users are only prompted to transfer additional funds if necessary when making or taking a swap.

Last updated