Swap Details
The SWAP DETAILS page allows a swap and the assets involved to be viewed in more detail. This page is also where users can elect to take a swap.
On the SWAP DETAILS page the asset(s) on the GIVE side are the "price" or the assets required to give in order to take the swap and the asset(s) on the TAKE side are the asset(s) "for sale" capable of being acquired through the swap. Clicking a NFT via this page will take the user to the corresponding NFT DETAILS page to view additional details about the NFT. Clicking an ERC 20 will take the user to the appropriate block explorer to view more information about the ERC 20. The details bar above the GIVE/TAKE table contains the following information:
Swap maker's address and PROFILE page (clicking the icon will take the user to the maker's profile page).
Swap ID.
Swap type (custodial vs. non-custodial).
Swap status.
Date and time created (with link to view transaction on the block explorer).
Date and time updated (with link to view transaction on the block explorer) if the swap has been closed (taken) or dropped (canceled).
Expiration block and approximate date.
Clicking the TAKE SWAP button on the SWAP DETAILS page will precipitate a modal detailing the on-chain transactions required to take the swap and any fees associated with taking the swap. Clicking the TAKE SWAP button will precipitate one or more transaction approval prompts via the connected wallet. Clicking the DON’T TAKE SWAP button will return the user to the SWAP DETAILS screen.
*NOTE: The rest of the UI will be inaccessible while transactions are awaiting confirmation.
At this time only native currency values on the TAKE side of a swap can be amended. Amending the ETH value on the TAKE side of the swap requires signing an on-chain transaction to adjust the parameters of the on-chain swap.
If the connected wallet made the swap in view a EDIT SWAP button will be visible next to the CANCEL SWAP button. Clicking the EDIT SWAP button will take the user to a specialized iteration of the NEW SWAP page to adjust the ETH value.
After amending the ETH value, click the UPDATE SWAP button and a confirmation modal will appear and detail the updates to the swap you are about to make.
Upon confirming the updates you are about to make, click FINISH UPDATE and sign the transaction with your connected wallet. You will be returned to the SWAP DETAILS page where both the updated ETH value and the swap's amendment history will be visible.
Last updated