NFT Details
The NFT DETAILS page not only contains all relevant information about a NFT, but also serves as a path towards including a given NFT in a swap and accepting an offer on an NFT you own.
The NFT DETAILS page displays relevant data about a NFT such as its collection title and contract address, token ID, description and date created. Clicking 'See More From [Collection Title]' will take the user to the collection page to view data pertinent to the collection as well as other NFTs from the collection. The 'Offers' table lists all open offers on the NFT. Clicking an offer in this table will bring the user to the SWAP DETAILS page where the user will have the opportunity to accept the offer if user is the owner of the NFT. When applicable the NFT's price history on OpenSea will also be displayed beneath any listings, offers and swap history. This data can be viewed via chart or table and in varying time frames.
If the connected wallet owns the NFT being viewed via the NFT DETAILS page, a 'SELL ITEM' button will be visible beneath the NFT's image. Clicking this button will add the NFT to the GIVE side on the NEW SWAP page.
If the connected wallet does not own the NFT being viewed via the NFT DETAILS page and the owner has listed it for sale, the price will be visible within the 'Listings' table. Clicking the listing will take the user to the SWAP DETAILS page where user will have the opportunity to take the swap. If the NFT is not listed for sale or if the user does not want to pay the price at which the NFT is listed for sale, user may click the 'CREATE AN OFFER' button underneath the NFT's image. This button adds this NFT to the TAKE side on the NEW SWAP page.
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